AHHHH!!! I have had one heck of a month! Not because there were so many exciting and perfect things happening. But because we have had this dark plague hit our home and we all have not been 100% well since mid-March. Even today, my son is dealing with a 101/102 fever since Saturday. It has been so frustrating, annoying and exhausting. Graecia my one-year-old needs so much attention when she’s not feeling good. She wants to be held, and of course always in the middle of the night. I know it might sound silly because our illnesses are not fatal. But it’s been those nagging annoying colds and sinus infections to upper respiratory, to fevers and allergies. And I can’t seem to figure out the right formula to get us back to normal.
So what did I learn? Well, I am still trying to figure that out, lol. When I see my kids back and forth with colds, coughs, fevers, and the mucus, ugh the mucus. It gets me mad. I can’t fix it. No amount of treatment or medication that I give can immediately make them better. It is all a waiting process. Every day we pray and believe that we all would be healed and believe that this is going to be over soon. And God reminds me that these kids, while they are mine to care for here on earth, are ultimately Gods. He has His protection over them and I know that He is working it all out for their good and their health and mine as well. I just again have to wait it out, the waiting can be frustrating, right?
So I stop Googling every symptom and possibility there is out there. Because in the end it makes me paranoid and I have to talk myself down from the fear that starts to settle in when my mind starts going south. Once I get into the right frame of mind, I can only pray. What else can we do? We have to trust God with each area of our lives. Our kids are our treasures and we have to remember that they are Gods as well. Young or old we are all God’s children.
What else can we do?
I know there are times in life when you feel like giving up. You can’t quite see the light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t lose hope because we are freaking superheroes! We somehow can function on a couple of hours of sleep, work, go to school, take care of kids healthy or sick, put food on the table (and it doesn’t matter how), keep everyone alive, clean the house (or don’t who cares), take care of our sick selves and do for us when we can. Then we crawl into our bed at night and do it all over again. I promise that there is a time for rest and a time for a breakthrough from your current situation. It doesn’t even have to be a plague going around in your house. It can be whatever is weighing you down. In your time of desperation and surrender, there is a remedy that can help you feel more sane, lol.
Keep Your Sanity When Your in Desperation
- Put on Worship Music
- Worship music will bring calmness to your home, in your car, at your work wherever you are. You may not notice it right away but as the day prolongs you might remember that thing you were so concerned about may not be bothering you as much. Worship music brings freedom. If you don’t have a grand library of your own worship music, listen to I Heart Radio, Spotify, Pandora or Alexa (Amazon Music).
- Find a Scripture
- Find a scripture for whatever your situation is. If it speaks to you in your current time or season. Trust that God is talking to you. Write it down and let it get inside your heart. Speak that scripture into existence out loud.
- Find Joy
- The enemy wants to consume you with your situation. He wants you to keep thinking that there is no hope, there is no end to your pain. But Guess what? God has the final say. Don’t let the enemy win. Don’t let him take your joy in each day. Joy comes in the morning. Every morning first thing you should do is speak that scripture you found, or play the worship music you have and feel the joy of what the new day can bring.
- Give Thanks
- Where there is joy there is also
thanksgiving . Thanksgiving gives us a sense of gratitude. It reminds us of what we do have and what God has already done for us. It keeps our perspective focused on the good in ourlife .
- Where there is joy there is also
- Treat Yo Self
- Look, we all need to find a way to wind down. We all have something that fills our cup. That gives us some sense of peace or control. It can be as small as getting some coffee, ice cream or just taking a drive. Some may need a shopping trip, a mani/
pedi or massage. Whatever that is for you that will help you feel a little bit better. I know, if you’re like me your first instinct is to go alone. If you can take a friend, it might be good for you.
- Look, we all need to find a way to wind down. We all have something that fills our cup. That gives us some sense of peace or control. It can be as small as getting some coffee, ice cream or just taking a drive. Some may need a shopping trip, a mani/
As frustrated as I am with this plague in our home. I know that I am doing all that I know how to. I know that this won’t last forever, it just feels that way. When I see a glimpse of hope, the snot starts running down from someone’s nose. We all need germs to help our bodies fight those infections, so I guess we’re learning to fight. Physically and mentally, lol. But truly when we are in the middle of the insanity, we have to learn to fight so we can overcome the desperation for our sanity. God will bring us to the light at the end of whatever tunnel you are walking through. Just know that you are not alone and God is surrounding you, there is a light and there is
This is so good Joy! It’s so hard to wait through their continual illnesses but I love your helpful tips for what to do during that time!