You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth?

Galatians 5:7


Sometimes, God’s word smacks me in the face, “wake up, Joy!” This though, that has to sting. I don’t care who you are. “Who has held you back from following the truth?” What a time to self reflect, thinking about the road you are on. Have you moved into a space where God has been pushed out? We should constantly be evaluating this. Where are we in our life and are we still running our race well? We all have our own race to run, you can’t run the same one as the person you follow on instagram for FB. Your best friend or your foe. Who have you allowed to influence your life in your current season?

Seasons change, there is nothing we can do from stopping the summer into fall. We simply find ourselves in that place. As seasons change are we allowing ourselves to grow? What are we choosing to influence our choices, lifestyle and our walk with God? I’m not sure about you, but it is exhausting trying to keep up with everyone around me. When I see who is coming and going, my mind races with doubt, fear, regret and sometimes bitterness.

What is God doing in You?

We each have a part to play in the body of Christ. No one is exempt from doing God’s work. He has given us each a gift and a platform to be used by him. When we allow ourselves to get distracted from His plan for us, you may find yourself feeling restless. It’s because we are working out the plan He has for someone else. We don’t ever feel settled or comfortable with where we are.

It’s easy to get distracted and allow things and people to take the place of God. There is much noise that surrounds us. It’s hard to turn off. If we allow God to remain our focus we will run our own race well. Even though this scripture gets in my business, it makes me self reflect. God’s word should allow for this. Be in His word meditating on what it means for YOU. We all need that friend who can tell it like it is. Though we may not like it, we know their heart and respect their opinion. So why not do the same with God? In His word He is questioning us. As our friend and our father, He has that right. When we made the choice to say yes to God, we said yes to His transformation for us in every aspect of ourselves.


Self-Reflect. Are you running your race well? Have you allowed people and influences to change your trajectory in your journey with God. The word of God is our tool to keep us growing and knowing who we are. It shapes us into what we are meant to do. Take time today, to mull over this scripture. Write it down, let it sink in. Allow God to speak inside of you. “Who has held you back from following the truth?”

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