Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!
Psalm 116:2
When I read this scripture I was mind blown. Maybe it was the season I was in. But I took a second to imagine God actually bending down, waiting for me to talk to Him. Waiting for me to ask Him for help. I had heard right before I had kids, that being on the same eye level with your child helps them feel safer and more in control. I really took this to heart. And made it appoint to bend down when I need to talk with my kids. I always notice a difference in their demeanor. They seem to be more open to talking with me. You show that you’re giving them your full attention. It also signals that you’re willing and ready to engage with him (Smart Parenting).
So if we know that God is actively listening to us, why is it that we don’t talk with Him until we need something of urgency or of necessity? I always hear the saying, God is not the one that leaves, it’s us. And yes, that is true, but isn’t it also hard to imagine that someone we can’t see is actually listening? Someone is waiting for us to talk to them? I might be the only one, but yeah, from time to time I get frustrated with the fact that I can’t tangibly see God, and sometimes I just want Him to give me clear signs about my directions and feelings. Then I have to think about all the things He has already done for me, all that He has shown me. My previous blog post, Signs Are All Around Us reminds me of that.
Giving Into our Vulnerability
It’s not just God who is waiting to listen, our closest friends and family are always waiting too. When my son Oliver died, I remember we had such an outpouring of support and love I was so overwhelmed. I may not have asked for it, but I did need it. That is when I realized that the people God placed in my life wanted to do life with me. They want to be there for the good, the bad and the ugly. If one of my friends or family is going through something, I know that I want to do what I can to help, to alleviate any pressure from what they are already going through. So why don’t we ask? It’s that feeling of vulnerability that stops us.
Our natural tendencies
Emotional Vulnerability
I found that it’s easier to physically protect myself than it is emotionally. My personality protects itself from other’s hurting me emotionally. I don’t do well with rejection. So to muster up the courage to ask for help is very hard. In my head, I don’t set up any expectations from others, in the event that if they fail me I won’t be disappointed. In other words, I won’t get hurt. Or even better, I just won’t ask for help at all to avoid the disappointment. I would rather try to do something on my own.
I found that it’s easier to physically protect myself than it is emotionally.
The truth is people will hurt us. And unfortunately, when that happens we build an emotional wall without realizing it. And if you have a personality like mine, you always feel like you have something to prove. That you’re stronger than every other person and can handle things on your own. Before we know it, we are alone. And in our times of need we wonder why?
So when I read the scripture in Psalm 116:2 I was convicted. That’s probably the best word to use. I was guilty of putting up walls in my life. Of pushing people away and of pushing God out. I felt like I needed to show emotional strength that I forgot that my strength only can come from God. I worked so hard to not get hurt by people, I felt alone. When I was in the most vulnerable state in my life, grief. I had nowhere to hide. God places people in your life who are there waiting to help you. They were there the whole time, I just had to ask. I just had to open my mouth.
Asking for Help
Our life becomes exposed when we talk. What we think is us being tough and protecting ourselves from hurt is actually building walls. We have to have people who are our confidants. We also can’t forget about God. He is always there waiting to hear from us. We are so special to Him that when we speak He bends down to listen. He stops what He’s doing and is actively listening to what we have to say.
Our life becomes exposed when we talk.
As eager as a child. That is how we must be. They are always wanting someone to listen. Kids speak out of turn to be heard. They quickly raise their hand or tap your leg to say something. They interject among each other and with you especially when you are talking with another adult, right? As we get older we are taught to wait our turn, to raise our hand and wait until we are called on. We forget to speak out of turn. And when we start holding in our thoughts and emotions we add the blocks onto the wall that is being built. We forget that someone is waiting to listen.
With God, we are never having to wait on Him to call on us to speak. He is never too busy to listen. He’s waiting on us so eager to hear our voice. And when we speak He bends down to listen. Just imagine that. He bends down so we can feel comfortable, so we can feel heard. So why would we ever stop talking? Why do we hold ourselves back from asking for help? From speaking our most intimate details?
When we expose ourselves and remove the vulnerability in us it allows us to be comfortable. Comfortable with God and with those we trust and also with who we are. So as long as we have breath, we should pray. When we ask for help, we should never feel shame or exposed as Adam and Eve did. We should feel confident and relieved that someone is actively listening. Once we ask for help, God speaks to us. He shows us in so many different ways He is here for us. The signs are all around us, we just have to be open to see them. And because He has shown me His goodness, I will continue to pray. I will pray as long as I have breath. Because where my help comes from is from God, Psalm 121, and from the people He placed in my life.
So don’t be afraid to speak, to ask for a listening ear. God is waiting to listen to his children and so are the people around you. Don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Don’t give into the lie, that you are not strong enough if you ask for help. Asking for help is the most courageous thing we can do. It takes us to a place of humility by removing the vulnerability in ourselves. So go be exposed, show your naked truth. Speak to Him as long as you have breath. Because in our weakest voices, God still listens.
Much Love,