The Struggle Within

This week let’s affirm ourselves. Let’s praise who we are. Remember I mentioned in my Annual Review that we need to be better at looking at the good things we did rather than what we didn’t do. Don’t let those seeds that the enemy plants be fed. Do not water them with the doubt and the insecurity that you are not good enough, that you are incapable and not qualified. God equips us for all things. He doesn’t bring you into a season without supplying you with the tools you need. He is constantly growing us. He wants us to produce the best fruit that we can, and in abundance (John 15:2). When we are placed in seasons of change God is allowing us to grow. God will give you the skills, he’ll give you the favor and will bring the right people in your life for you to rise to your potential. Don’t let the thoughts and voices in your head dictate your actions, dictate how you feel or undermine your true accomplishments.

He doesn’t bring you into a season without supplying you with the tools you need.

I listened to that voice of the enemy too long in my life. Even to step out and start this blog. I resisted for a couple of years. He had to finally get me to a place where I had to listen. This voice in my head kept saying, who’s really going to read this, there are so many blogs out there already, it will take up too much time etc. We are so good at listing our shortcomings and all the things as to why we can’t. The feeling of not measuring up creates a toxic environment in our mind. It’s a battle within ourselves. I read a great book by Lysa Terkeurst, Unglued. There is a chapter in there that talks about Negative Inside Chatter. We self-sabotage ourselves by listening and believing the thoughts running in our head that are not from God. It’s a constant battle, the overthinking, the over analyzing, the need to please, the worry we consume, the people we think don’t like us, the plans that are going awry. Replace all those thoughts with God thoughts. Lysa Terkeurst writes, we need to learn how to replace our thoughts with God thoughts. The more we read God’s truths and let truth fill our minds, the less time we’ll spend contemplating untruths. Thinking runaway, worrisome thoughts is just an invitation to anxiety. Remember He cherishes us, He LOVES us!

He had to finally get me to a place where I had to listen.

Another great book, Rooted by Banning Liebscher, the founder of Jesus Culture reinforces that battle and writes, God calls us to do impossible things. Some of these impossible things are the battles on the inside over character issues that seem insurmountable. We feel powerless to overcome weakness in ourselves.” We must give ourselves grace and know that it is not going to change overnight. We are constantly going to be battling the weaknesses and inside chatter within us. But when we know God’s truth we can recognize when we are walking away form who God says we are and immediately focus on Him. Trust in His word. Hold it inside your heart. Give yourself praise. Thank God for all He has already done. Take some time to remind yourself of your successes as we close the first month of the year. Let’s work on affirming ourselves and speaking God’s truth giving us power and His authority to overcome our own battle.

We must give ourselves grace and know that it is not going to change overnight.

Speak Life

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14 AMP)

I have the power to control my thoughts because your thoughts for me are precious. (Psalm 139:17 NLT)

I will trust in you, so my roots will grow down into God’s love and keep me strong. (Ephesians 3:17 NLT)

I will not be anxious about anything. I thank you for all you have done. For your peace that exceeds my own understanding. I will think of things that are true, honest, pure and lovely. (Philippians 4:6-8 NLT)

I will always be filled with joy. (Philippians 4:4 NLT)

For you are for me! (Romans 8:31 AMP)

My thoughts are yours and I will be strong in you and your mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10 NLT)

Thank you for the breath that I have, for this life that I live, for knowing me and knitting me together making me my own special unique self! (Job 33:4 AMP, Psalm 139:13 AMP)

Author: Joy Varela

New Mexico Native, living in the great big state of Texas. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 12 years, we've been together for 18! Y'all that's more than half my life. I know what it's like to be a wife in ministry, to work multiple jobs and try to upkeep the house. I understand the agonies and stress of the college life. I am a working mother in corporate America, to 3 amazing kids. I hope I can steer you and empower you to find peace and empowerment to be all you need to be in this life.

2 Replies to “The Struggle Within”

  1. Thank you for this! I definitely needed it, this came at the perfect time. <3

    Breanna says:
    1. Glad to hear. Keep doing what you’re doing. You are awesome!

      Joy says:

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