5 Tips to Get You Journaling in no Time

What can I say, I truly do love journaling. I mean you did to at one point too. You don’t believe me? Raise your hand if any of you ever had a diary as a kid?… ME! I remember looking through the Scholastic magazines or going to book fairs in elementary school and admiring them so much. Plus Lisa Frank had come out with some killer designs along with the fancy pencils and stickers (90’s kid). I had to have one. The lock and key made it all so mysterious and secretive. And how many of us lost that dang key within the first week of having the diary, lol. Ever since then, my love for school supplies has never stopped. I probably would have to thank Lisa Frank for getting me started. My husband has to set the limits on my incessant need to buy pens, notebooks, planners, sharpies, markers, basically anything that I can write with. Even as a kid, I wrote on lamp shades, used white-out as ‘chalk’ on the closet doors and used glitter nail polish to fancy things up, lol. I know my parents loved finding my hidden treasures.

The key to any hobby or doing things that you enjoy is simply that, the enjoyment. I know the thought of writing probably seems daunting, which is why don’t do it. But you are not writing a paper when it comes to journaling. You are writing whatever flows out of you. I also hear that it’s hard to find the time. Journaling is not another added thing to put on your list. Part of my quiet time is journaling. Also, for me when I write it helps me release whatever is bothering me. So I get it, for you, you would rather use your words or not feel like your writing a paper. But can I just encourage you to try and write some thoughts down? I came up with 5 tips to help you start journaling, or even just jotting things down.


1. Buy a journal that represents who you are.

Get excited about buying a journal. I know at some point you have seen them on the shelves and admired some. Find one that fits your personality. One that will get you excited to actually open it up and write in it. Don’t be fooled that journaling is just for your feelings. I use mine for sermon notes, notes for meetings, prayers, my kids each have one where I jot down milestones and special moments I don’t want to forget. I practice calligraphy, drawing, and yes I do write my feelings, but that for me is the best way of expression that I have found works for me.


2. Go get yourself some fancy pens.

Like I said, I love me some pens! Sharpie pens have been my go-to for the past couple of years. So go to the office supply store or the school supply aisle in Target and buy away. Any pens that catch your eye or you think you would want to try, buy them and now you have the opportunity to use them, lol. If anything, just testing out your new pens in your new journal is one step closer to journaling, ha. But really, the pens are fun.


3. Not sure where to start? Write the scripture of the day.

If you have the YouVersion Bible App, they always have the verse of the day. One step to starting out is simply just writing the verse down. With repetition comes familiarization. For me when I write something down, I seem to remember it better. Write down the bible verse, and then meditate on it. Write down what that verse speaks to you. Write out your interpretation of the verse. And you’re done. Simple. This should not take a long time. It can be a real simple thought you have when you read the verse. What this does is it opens up your heart to receive the word in a different way. Maybe through writing, helps you to receive it better. Try it and see what happens.


4. Write your goals.

We all have things we want to accomplish, the successes we want for ourselves. How are you going to accomplish those, if you don’t know what you’re going to accomplish? You should write them down. Write them down in a place that won’t be lost. A loose-leaf sheet of paper will easily get thrown in the trash. A sticky note will be lost within minutes of writing that down. With a journal, you can track where you are going and see where you have been. It is a place to see your accomplishments and to keep reminding of yourself where you need to go. It’s a simple way to get started. Don’t think you need to be fancy about it either. Do not go scrolling through Pinterest thinking your journal needs to be fancy with the sketches and the handwriting. Those are intimidating, even for me. This is for you to write in, no one else needs to see it.  You never know where this step can take you ๐Ÿ™‚


5. Jot your dreams.

This is hard. I know. But it can stretch you. Sometimes it’s scary to write down your deep secret, shall I say. Your dreams are sacred. What we truly desire, we seem to keep to ourselves. Trust me, it will make you feel so much better to just get it out, even on paper. Pen and paper do powerful things. For me, this also opens up my imagination to so many other dreams and desires that I didn’t know I had. I see God speaking to me and showing me what I can be capable of. It gets me excited and scared at the same time. A journal or ‘diary’ is an intimate thing. It’s easier to not say anything or write down our desires because then it doesn’t become real. If we don’t do anything about our dreams, then we don’t have to really worry about them right? But how are we doing to see those dreams become something tangible? It’s a magical thing to trust yourself with the God-given dreams and desires He has put inside of you. I also have dreams and prayers for my family too. I have a journal for each of my kids. I want them to take these journals and read them when they are older and see for themselves who they were and what they did and know all the dreams and hopes I feel God has spoken to me for them.

I hope this helps you to realize that journaling is not another thing to add to your ‘To Do List’. But something to help you grow, to have an outlet to let out your desires, your dreams, and your spiritual progress. So go to the store. Get your supplies and get going ๐Ÿ™‚


Author: Joy Varela

New Mexico Native, living in the great big state of Texas. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 12 years, we've been together for 18! Y'all that's more than half my life. I know what it's like to be a wife in ministry, to work multiple jobs and try to upkeep the house. I understand the agonies and stress of the college life. I am a working mother in corporate America, to 3 amazing kids. I hope I can steer you and empower you to find peace and empowerment to be all you need to be in this life.

4 Replies to “5 Tips to Get You Journaling in no Time”

  1. Great tips! Looks like Iโ€™m going to target now…

    Anonymous says:
  2. Canโ€™t wait to go buy a new journal! I love journals and notebooks I just usually buy them and donโ€™t use them lol

    Desiree says:
    1. Lol. I was the same. Now you have a chance to use it. xo

      Joy says:

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